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Walker Smith

10 Articles

How Inclusivity Powers Brands – Branding Strategy Insider

From all my years in research and consulting, I think I’ve learned…

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How Brands Help Business Solve Problems

Harvard marketing guru Ted Levitt made his mark with a number of…

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Brands Face New Levels Of Consumer Anger

An angry undercurrent of frustration with brands haunts the marketplace. This, perhaps,…

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Six Ways AI Impacts Marketers And Consumers

Is AI the end of Marketing? Answering this question in the affirmative…

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How The U.S. Presidential Election Impacts Brands

Every presidential election cycle of this century has felt like the most…

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The New Drivers Of Customer Satisfaction

According to Forrester’s latest tracking report, the quality of customer experience with…

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How Brands Can Earn Attention

Attention matters. Marketing doesn’t work unless and until consumers pay attention. As…

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New Conditions Shape The Future Of Brand Growth

Slowing population growth will upend both the macroeconomics of commercial potential in…

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How Fee-Based Pricing Reduces Relationships To Transactions

Here’s a brain teaser. What are things that used to be free…

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How To Build A Thriving Company Culture

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” wrote Peter Drucker. Exactly. Everybody has heard…

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