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Christa Lesté-Lasserre

7 Articles

Farmers used trash to grow crops in barren sand 1000 years ago

One thousand years ago, people along Israel’s Mediterranean coast dug deeply enclosed…

Climate change may have killed ancient ‘hobbit’ hominins

Artist’s impression of a group of Homo floresiensis with a freshly killed…

Stool test could provide a simpler way to diagnose endometriosis

Endometriosis tissue viewed under a microscopeBIOPHOTO ASSOCIATES/SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Low levels of…

Forests became less diverse when ancient people started herding pigs

A domestic pig in the New Forest, UK9 Deborah Lee Rossiter/Shutterstock Ancient…

Most effective migraine drugs revealed by review of trial data

Researchers assessed the efficacy of 17 drugs for treating migrainesfizkes/Shutterstock An underused…

The science is clear: repeatedly whipping a horse won't help it learn

After the release of a shocking video showing Olympic rider Charlotte Dujardin…

Racehorse success may depend on their gut microbiome in early life

A racehorse’s gut microbiome may influence their health and fitnessBrian Lawless/ PA/Alamy…